Youth players from the cricket clubs ACC, Rood en Wit, VRA, Bloemendaal, Qui Vive, Gelre, Salland and Hilversum may join us on this great tour. The players will be divided over three teams: the U12, the U14 and the U18. Experience shows that the kids from the different clubs all have great fun together almost immediately. Well immediately, it takes about five minutes.
The leadership of the cricket tour has taken the initiative to raise money for the forthcoming cricket tour to England in July. Our goal is to make participation for the cricket tour affordable, also for less well off parents.
The itinerary is as follow:
Travel to UK July 24, 2023
U14 vs Goring CC July 25, 2023
U12 vs Goring CC July 25, 2023
U18 vs still to be confirmed July 25, 2023
U12 vs Didcot CC July 26, 2023
U14 vs Didcot CC July 26, 2023
U14 vs Tiddington CC July 27, 2023
U18 vs Tiddington CC July 27, 2023
U12 vs North Moreton July 27, 2023
U14 vs Aston Rowant CC July 28, 2023
U18 vs Aston Rowant CC July 28, 2023
U12 vs Aston Rowant CC July 28, 2023
Check-out Bridge Villa July 29, 2022 10:00

If you would like to make a donation please inform Rick Thorburn or Giles Francis. All amounts are very welcome. We thank you in advance for your support.
You can pay your sponsor amount to: Amsterdamsche Cricket Club NL18 ABNA 0546355064, Sponsoring Youth Cricket Tour 2023. On behalf of the children we would like to thank you for your generous contributions.