[door de redactie] Lideke Ohm, de alom geliefde echtgenote van 50 Not Out-lid en erevoorzitter van SGS Duco Ohm, is onverwachts, na twee zware hersenbloedingen, overleden op 8 december. Op 30 augustus j.l. ontving Lideke nog op het 90-jarig jubileum van SGS, waarvan Duco erevoorzitter is, onder luid applaus het Gouden Ereteken voor haar jarenlange (scorings)bijdrage aan SGS en het Nederlandse cricket. Bijgaand de van de SGS-site overgenomen brief in het Engels van Duco. Daarin ook een mededeling over de ‘farewell service.’ ACC wenst Duco, zijn gezin en naaste familie sterkte toe om dit grote verlies te verwerken.
Dear Friends in the Netherlands. the U.K., South Africa and Australia.
Many many thanks for all the mails, cards and messages I received to support me and the children when Lideke was in hospital. So warm !!
My darling Lideke is now no longer amongst us.
Last friday, on the 6th, I found her lying in the toilet downstairs on the cold tile floor. That was at 7.30. After an emergency call she was rushed to the nearby hospital, had a scan and was hospitalized at 8.30.
She suffered an enormous stroke and a little bit later a serious second one. From the moment I found her she has been unconscious. She landed in a very deep coma and we have been unable to get into contact with her. Not a single word of love or comfort could be exchanged. A miserable feeling.
We, myself, the children and grandchildren have been sitting near her bed ever since and could only see her ‘fighting’. A very sad situation as she was just not yet ready to ‘retire’. She finally gave up on Sunday 8th December at 18.00 hours and frankly speaking we were all relieved that her struggle/suffering was over.
We will have a farewell service later in the week with the family and her very close friends only. We hope that my/our friends in Holland and The Forty Clubs will understand that it has been her wish. My darling was convinced that a service with so many friends present would be too much for me/us. Please respect her wish ! Trust you will treasure the fine memories with me and that are many.
I hope my Dutch friends will appreciate that I wrote this in English.
Correspondence to:
Mrs. C.E. Ohm,
Enkhuizerzand 10, 1274 HV HUIZEN
The Netherlands