[door de redactie] Voor de zesde keer op rij organiseert de KNCB het nationale scholentoernooi The Cricket Challenge. Opdrachtgever is Nuffic, het platform voor tweetalig onderwijs. De toernooien worden onder meer gehouden op ACC, op dinsdag 16 mei a.s. Dit jaar doen meer dan 40 scholen mee, verspreid over het hele land, zo meldt de KNCB in haar nieuwste uitgave van Cricket Magazine.
Het programma bestaat uit clinics voor sportdocenten en leerlingen door KNCB coaches, voorrondes in mei en een afsluitende landelijke finale in juni. The Cricket Challenge biedt de KNCB een unieke kans om cricket te promoten op scholen, ook in de regio's waar geen verenigingen in de buurt zijn. Dankzij The Cricket Challenge is cricket in de afgelopen jaar op meer dan 60 scholen in het sportcurriculum opgenomen,'' zo meldt het artikel.
De toenooien worden gehouden op Salland (9 mei), Quick Nijmegen (11), ACC (16 mei), VOC (18 mei), VCC (23) en Kampong (finale, 20 juni). Titelverdediger van The Cricket Challenge 2016 is het Haarlemmer Lyceum uit Hoofddorp.
''De KNCB is de verenigingen zeer dankbaar voor hun medewerking aan dit succesvolle scholenproject, dat eerder door de ICC beloond werd met de Award voor Best Cricket Youth Initiative Europe & Global,'' zo laat Marike Dickmann, KNCB Cricket Development Manager weten over dit prachtinitiatief van de bond. Klik hier voor het programmaboekje, de deelnemers en clubs op de juiste pagina van Cricket Magazine. Dickmann's gehele, Engelse voorwoord is te lezen onder bijgaande foto van de enthousiaste schooljeugd van vorig jaar.

''This year we are holding the sixth edition of the Cricket Challenge. Over the years the competition has grown into the largest national event for school pupils of EP Nuffic. It has also become a regular feature in the calendar of the Dutch Cricket Association (KNCB).
''In the meantime nearly 60 schools, from Drachten to Middelburg and from Weert to Hoorn, have taken part with great enjoyment in these cricket tournaments. From a cautious start with 28 participating schools, now more than 40 schools take part each year. An additional region has been created in order to keep offering all the schools a complete programme of clinics and matches. A hard core of 17 schools haven’t missed (almost) a single tournament.
''Cricket is not as difficult as it might appear. One team throws a ball and tries to hit the wicket of the opponent; the other team hits the ball and runs between the wickets in order to score runs. Cricket is about bowling, catching, hitting and co-operating, skills which the pupils know from other sports. Playing cricket, they breathe in English culture and practise their English language skills.
''Admittedly, that happens outdoors in summer sunshine (we hope!), but that is more fun than being in the classroom in front of a textbook. Furthermore, the strongest players don’t necessarily win. The team that works more effectively together generally has the better chance.
''Pleasurable co-operation is the key. The Dutch Cricket Association co-operates with pleasure with the organisation of EP Nuffic, with the schools and with the PE teachers. Thanks to an enthusiastic response and the suggestions of the teachers, the rules have been made to measure for Dutch school pupils and the scoresheet has been made more user-friendly. The PE teachers are a crucial binding factor in the success of the Cricket Challenge, and the Dutch Cricket Association owes them a vote of thanks.
''The Association also wishes to thank the cricket clubs for their friendly welcome and for conducting cricket clinics at the schools. Some valuable links have already been established through this: Salland maintains links with RSG Noord Oost Veluwe and others, Olympia with the Schoonhovens College and Goudse Waarden, VOC with the Wolfert Tweetalig and Rood en Wit with the Haarlemmermeer Lyceum. Almost all these schools have won the Cricket Challenge. So establish contact with the cricketers of the KNCB’s member clubs. They will willingly come to provide a lesson and tell you all about cricket. But be warned: their love of cricket can be infectious.
''Until we meet on the cricket field!''
Marike Dickmann,
KNCB Cricket Development Manager.