Taku is looking for Sponsors
For the last two years whilst visiting his girlfriend in Amsterdam Taku has been part of the ACC cricket coaching team. Last summer he also scored his first century whilst playing for the ACC 3rd eleven.
He has now been selected as one of 25 coaches, picked out of thousands of applicants to attend the Level 3 cricket coaching this November in Dubai at the International Cricket Council Academy.
As you are all aware these courses costs a considerable amount of money plus accomodation and travelling expenses. The total costs are €4.250; he has managed to raise €1.500 for his initial deposit to secure his position. The rest of the amount for the course is due on the 15th of November 2017; failure to complete payment by the set time will result in him losing his spot for the course.
Every donation will be greatly accepted. Please be kind and make a donation to:
HA Hartogh (his girlfriend), IBAN: NL37ABNA0472629581 BIC/Swift code: ABNANL2A.
Please mention in the ‘Reference’ column ‘Taku Level 3 Cricket Course’

Mail received from Taku:
For those of you who are not familiar with me, my name is Takudzwa Ronald Kusano and I am a qualified level 2 cricket coach with eight years coaching experience. My ambition is to coach a National team one day and to pass on my knowledge to future generations. I would like to be a mentor, a motivator and support structure to those around me.
For the past couple of years I have been searching for an opportunity to complete the Level 3 cricket coaching course and now the time has come to fulfil that dream.
I am so honoured about being selected as one of 25 coaches, picked out of thousands of applicants to attend the course this November in Dubai at the International Cricket Council Academy.
My experiences while coaching in South Africa and the Netherlands have been eye opening and have granted me this life changing coaching experience. I have worked and networked with prominent people in the cricketing world, I have been attentive to what they have had to say and as a result have learnt a great deal. One of the most important things that I have learnt is to believe in oneself, that is the starting point to one’s success.
I know what I am about to ask is a lot but I also know without the help of others I will not be able to complete my goal. I ask you to believe in me and my dream of becoming a Professional Cricket Coach. I ask you to support me financially, to assist me in covering my costs for this prestigious course and help me obtain all the necessary equipment and accessories to complete the course. The course is a weeklong face to face at the International Cricket Council Academy in Dubai, with yearlong assessments and assignments to follow over the coming year, 2018.
Thanking you in advance for your valued assistance, I am humbled and grateful for your generosity.
Yours sincerely,
Taku Kusano