[by the Youth Committee] Another UK tour has been planned in the first week of the summer vacation: Only this time, we have enough cricket for not ONE but TWO teams!
After last year’s highly successful tour of the Cotswolds, we have moved a bit further east down the M4 motorway to North Moreton CC, who are great old friends of ACC - and who have offered us accommodation with families from the club, as well as camping facilities.We are hoping for as similarly subcontinental weather as last summer!
We plan to travel to/meet at North Moreton on Monday July 15th,and start our cricketing activities with two simultaneous games on the next evening, at Didcot CC. So far, seven matches have been planned in total, including a mixed age game on July 17th, and a tournament with our hosts on July 18th.
All the games are within a few miles of our North Moreton base.There will also be time to look around the area (both Oxford and London are not far away) & the rolling hills and pretty villages of the surrounding Oxfordshire countryside are themselves a great pleasure. We will be finished with all cricket games by Friday July 19th.
Now is the time to make your plans and let me, Jan, Richard or Uja know if you will be coming on tour - North Moreton need to know as soon as possible how many they will need to accommodate.
Please send your intentions to Giles at gilesf@telfort.nl. It helps us if we know that you are a) definitely coming and with how many b) maybe coming or c) definitely not coming. Also if you have any questions let us know.
Our sole aim is for everyone to have a great time - so please commit!
Many thanks, Giles Francis

Moreton Cricket Club - May 2019